How Do I Get A Handicap?
How to Obtain an Initial Handicap Index
In order to obtain a Handicap Index that can be administered in accordance with the Rules of Handicapping, a player must be a member of a golf club that is affiliated with an Authorised Association.
A score is acceptable for handicap purposes if the round has been played:
- In an authorised format of play over 9 or 18 holes.
- In the company of at least one other person, who may also act as marker.
- By the Rules of Golf.
- On a golf course with a Course Rating and Slope Rating.
- On a golf course during its active season.
In addition, the player’s score must always be certified in accordance with the Rules of Golf.
To obtain an Initial Handicap Index, a player must submit acceptable scores from a minimum of 54 holes.
General Terms Of Competition
It is the responsibility of members to know and follow these General Terms of Competition, as well as any Specific Terms of Competition that apply to the various competitions staged by the Club.
Age Limits
Mens and Ladies competitions have no age limitations.
Senior Mens competitions are open to all males members who are 55 years of age or older. A player must be 55 on or before the first day of competition,
Veterans are those who are 70 years of age or older.
Handicap Limits
For competitions played over multiple rounds, during which a player’s handicap may change, players shall use their revised handicaps unless otherwise specified in Specific Terms of the Competition.
Handicap Allowances for the various formats are given in the Table below:
Format of play | Type of round | Recommended Handicap allowance |
Stroke play | Individual | 95% |
Individual stableford | ||
Individual par/bogey | ||
Individual Maximum Score | ||
Four-ball | 85% | |
Four-ball Stableford | 85% | |
Four-ball par/bogey | 90% | |
Matchplay | Individual | 100% |
Four-ball | 90% | |
Other | Foursomes | 50% of combined team handicap |
Greensomes | 60% low handicap + 40% high handicap | |
Pinehurst/Chapman | ||
Best 1 of 4 stroke play | 75% | |
Best 2 of 4 stroke play | 85% | |
Best 3 of 4 stroke play | 100% | |
Best 4 of 4 stroke play | 100% | |
Scramble (4 players) | 25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest handicap | |
Scramble (2 players) | 35% low/15% high | |
Total score two match play | 100% | |
Best 1 of 4 par/bogey | 75% | |
Best 2 of 4 par/bogey | 80% | |
Best 3 of 4 par/bogey | 90% | |
4 of 4 par/bogey | 100% |
Membership and Handicap Status
Entry to competitions is limited to members of the Club (unless the Specific Terms of Competition specify it to be an Open competition) with a current handicap. A current handicap is defined as a player having a minimum of five qualifying scores in their handicap record in the preceding twelve month period. This requirement is waived for players who have been members of the club for less than twelve months. A member who believes there to be reasonable grounds for an exemption to the above may apply to the Handicap Committee who may, in their absolute discretion, relax or remove this requirement. Each such application will be considered entirely on its own merits and no precedent will be established.
Entry fees of £4.00, (£8.00 for competitions with more than one round) must be paid prior to the commencement of any competition by either handing the fee to a nominated Committee Member or by placing the fee in a sealed envelope, showing the members name and competition entered, in the box provided.
In order to enter a competition, members must enter their names on the appropriate Competition Sheet, which will be found on the main notice boards (Men, Seniors, Ladies) or on How Did I Do (HDID).
Entries will be accepted up to and including the Closing Date, which will be stipulated on the Competition Sheet, or through HDID.
Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Committee, but this will be dependent on the Course having starting times available or the withdrawal of players already included in the draw.
In Fourball competitions, played over multiple rounds, the substitution of players is not allowed once a pair has played their first round or match.
When players are required to arrange their own times e.g. for knockout competitions, it is the responsibility of the first named player/team on the Match Draw Sheet to arrange the match with their opponent/s.
When doing so, a minimum of 3 dates/times must be offered for negotiation and these shall include a mid-week date, a weekend date and the final play by date for that round. It is recommended that these dates and any negotiation thereof, be communicated by e-mail or other easily recorded messaging system.
Should an agreed match not take place, or should no agreement be reached to play by a set play by date, then both sides will be disqualified, unless it can be clearly determined that one side defaulted.
Should a player need to withdraw from a competition after the draw has been done, the player must contact the Chairman of the Handicap and Competitions Committee, by text, email or telephone as soon as possible. Contact details are available under the Club Committee section of this site.
Failure to do so will result in sanctions being applied, in terms of the Code of Conduct.
Information on the following points is given in the Specific Terms of the Competition.
- Dates of play or, if it is a Match Play event over an extended period of time, the final date by which each round must be completed.
- Form of play i.e. Match Play, Stroke Play or Stroke Play going into Match Play.
- Number of rounds
- If there is a cut, when it will be made, if ties for the final position will be broken, and how many players will continue in later rounds
- Which Teeing Areas will be used
Unless otherwise specified in the Specific Terms of Competition, other forms of Play including Stableford and Par/Bogey shall be played in accordance with Section 5A of the Committee Procedures contained in the official Guide To The Rules Of Golf. Greensomes and Scrambles are covered by Sections 9B and 9C respectively.
A scorecard is deemed to have been returned when it has either, been handed to the Committee Member running the Competition, or has been put into the box provided.
Players are requested to enter their scores into the Computer System, where applicable, prior to returning their cards (sanctions may be applied to members who repeatedly fail to comply with this request, in terms of the Code of Conduct).
Match Play
If a match is tied after the 18th hole the match will be extended one hole at a time until there is a winner.
Stroke Play
Unless a play-off is stipulated in the Specific Terms of Competition, all ties will be decided by matching scorecards.
In Competitions played over multiple rounds, the winner will be based on the best score for the last round played. If the tying players have the same score for the last round, or if the competition consisted of a single round, the winner will be determined based on the score for the last 9 holes, last 6 holes, last 3 holes, and finally the 18th hole. If there is still a tie, the last 6 holes, 3 holes, and final hole of the first 9 holes will be considered in turn.
If this process does not result in a winner, the outcome will be decided by tossing a coin.
Match Play
The result of a match is final when the result has been recorded on the Match Draw Sheet on the appropriate noticeboard (Mens, Seniors, Ladies noticeboards).
Stroke Play
The Competition is closed and the results are final once all results have been posted on the appropriate noticeboards (Mens, Seniors, Ladies noticeboards).
Specific Terms Of Competition (Men)
Monthly Medals and Stablefords
Definition: in all cases below the term “Medal” is deemed to mean “Handicap Stroke-play”.
Played on the second Saturday of each month.
From April to September the competition is played as a medal off the white tees and from October to March as a Stableford off the yellow tees. The competitions played off winter (mat) tees are non-qualifiers.
The field is divided into divisions by handicap and there must be a minimum of five players entered for the competition to take place.
Public Courses Monthly Medal (April)
By paying an additional entry fee on the day of the competition, entrants in the March Monthly Medal are entered into the Public Courses Medal.
The field is divided into divisions as set by the N.A.P.G.C.
Divisional winners qualify to play in the N.A.P.G.C. regional competition, with regional winners progressing to a national final played in September at a prestigious national course.
Gold Medal (May)
The Gold Medal competition is run concurrently with the May Monthly Medal.
By paying an additional entry fee before commencement of play, the winner/s of the competition qualifies to play in the County Medal Final at a prestigious course in the County. Currently (2023) there is one place for players with a playing handicap of 12 or less, and one for those with a playing handicap of 13 or above.
Prizes for the monthly medals take the form of vouchers that are redeemable at the Club shop, together with a single medal for each overall monthly competition, presented at the presentation evening. The number and value of the vouchers is determined by the number of entrants in the respective divisions – the more entries, the higher the value of the vouchers. The vouchers are made available for spending shortly after each competition.
The winner of the July medal is recognised as the winner of the Anniversary Bowl, and has his name engraved on the trophy. The winner of the August monthly medal is recognised as the winner of the Sheila Press award, and has his name engraved on the trophy and on the Club honours board.
Shoot Out
Played on a Saturday early in October.
All male members who have won an overall Monthly Medal and/or the Club or Seniors Championship during the year qualify for the Shoot-Out.
The Competition is a medal played off the white tees.
The winner is the player with the lowest net score.
The winner of the Shoot-Out has his name engraved on the perpetual trophy, as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening.
‘The Aggregate Shield’: monthly medal best net score
This trophy is awarded to the player achieving the single best net score out of all the Monthly Medal competitions held over the year.
No specific entry is required – all winning scores in Monthly Medals will be taken into account.
The winner of this prize, the Aggregate Shield, has his name engraved on the perpetual trophy and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening.
The following are the annual Club competitions organised by the men’s section. In all cases, the value of the prizes awarded reflects the number of entrants to the competition, the prestige of the competition and the number of matches or rounds required to win it.
Memorial Trophy
A Four-ball Stableford competition played over 18 holes off the yellow tees (mats) on a Saturday in mid–March. (In a four-ball competition, it is the best score of each pair that counts.)
The winners of the Memorial Day competition have their name engraved on the perpetual trophy, known as the Gwyn Morris, and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Spring Foursomes
A Foursomes Stableford competition, played over 18 holes, off the white tees (if available) and yellow tees (mats) if not.
The winners of the Spring Foursomes competition will represent the Club in the Daily Mail Foursomes, have their name engraved on the perpetual trophy and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Founders Trophy and Plate
An Individual, knock-out, Match-Play competition, played over 18 holes (which will be extended if necessary to decide a winner), played off the white tees.
The maximum playing handicap is 28, which equates to a Handicap Index of 26.6 off the White tees.
A random draw of entrants is conducted for any preliminary matches and first round matches with the losers of their first match played entered automatically into the Plate competition.
The first round is played on a Saturday as near as possible to the start of May. Subsequent rounds are played by mutual arrangement on or before laid down ‘play-by’ dates, and cannot be played in conjunction with another competition.
The winners of the Founders trophy and Founders Plate have their names engraved on the perpetual trophies and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Night. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Summer Pairs
A Greensomes, knockout Match-Play competition, played over 18 holes (extended to decide a winner).
The competition is open to all men, senior and lady members entered as a pair. Mixed pairs are also permitted, and will play off the men’s card for purposes of stroke index.
Handicaps are calculated as 0.6 of the lower player’s handicap plus 0.4 of the higher player’s.
Men play off the white tees and ladies play off the red tees.
A random draw (see above) is made for the first round. This and subsequent rounds are played by mutual arrangement on or before laid down “play by” dates.
The winners of the Summer Pairs have their name engraved on the perpetual trophy as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Longest Day
Played on the Saturday nearest to the longest day of the year.
This is a Texas Scramble played by teams of three players.
The team handicap is calculated on the basis of the following allowances – 30% / 20% / 10% from the lowest to highest handicap
A minimum of four tee shots of each team member must be used during the round.
The winners of the Longest Day competition receive a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Nimar Trophy
Played on a Saturday at the end of June.
This is an Individual Stableford competition played over 18 holes off the white tees.
The maximum playing handicap is 28, which equates to a Handicap Index of 26.6 off the White tees.
The overall winner of the Nimar Trophy has his name engraved on the perpetual trophy and on the Club honours board as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The competition is played in three divisions, and there are also trophies and/or vouchers for the Divisional Winners and runners-up.
Jim Brady Cup
Played on a Saturday at the end of July.
This competition is open to men and ladies. Mixed pairs may also enter, but will be judged as competing in the men’s competition.
It is an 18 hole Aggregate Pairs (i.e. both scores to count), Stableford competition, with men playing off the white tees and ladies off the red tees. The handicap allowance is 95%.
The winners of the Jim Brady Cup have their name engraved on the perpetual trophy as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Presidents Day
Played on the first Saturday of August
This competition and is open to men and ladies. The men’s competition is played in three divisions.
It is an 18 hole Individual Stableford competition with men playing off the white tees and ladies off the red tees.
The winners of the Men’s and Ladies’ Presidents Cups have their names engraved on the perpetual trophies and the Club honours boards as well as receiving trophies and/or voucher prizes on Presentation Evening. The other Divisional winner and the runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Captains Day
Played on a date chosen by the Captain, usually in August.
The Captain will choose the format and conditions of the competition, and prizes are presented on the day.
Club Championship
Played on two successive Saturdays in mid-summer.
This is a 36 hole Individual Stroke-Play competition played over two rounds of 18 holes. The winner is the player who achieves the lowest total gross score over the 36 holes.
The first round draw is done in handicap order with the highest handicap starting first. The second round draw is done based on the gross scores from the first round and is done in score order with the highest score starting first. The handicap used at the start of the competition is used for both rounds.
In the event of a tie (for the overall first place only) there will be a playoff to decide the winner.
The playoff will take place as soon as possible after completion of the second round.
The playoff will be Individual Stroke-play over hole numbers 10, 17 and 18. If, after completion of the three holes, there is still a tie, a sudden death playoff will commence with the 18th hole being played repeatedly until a winner emerges.
The following prizes are awarded:
The Club Champion, who has the lowest gross score, has his name engraved on the perpetual trophy and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or vouchers at Presentation evening. There are also trophies and/or vouchers for the players with the second and third best gross scores.
The winner of the net competition who will have achieved the best net score over the two rounds receives the net prize, known as the NS Pyramids Rabbits Plate. He has his name engraved on the perpetual trophy and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or vouchers at Presentation evening. There is also a trophy and/or vouchers for the net runner-up.
The competition also has a Seniors’ section, into which all eligible players are entered. The winner of the Seniors’ section will be the Senior with the best net score over the two rounds, who is not a winner or runner-up in the gross or net sections of the competition. He has his name engraved on the perpetual trophy and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or vouchers at Presentation evening. There is also a trophy and/or vouchers for the Seniors runner-up.
Winter League
This is a Four-ball, Stroke-Play going into Match-Play competition.
The Stroke-Play element consists of four 18 hole rounds of Four-ball Stableford, played over four week-ends from October to November. If there are between 8 and 15 pairs, the eight pairs with the highest total score from the best three of their four rounds progress to the Match-Play competition. If there are 16 or more pairs, then the sixteen pairs with the highest total score from the best three of their four rounds progress to the Match-Play competition.
In the event of a tie or ties for places in the Match-Play draw, these will be broken as per Part 7 of the General Terms of Competition.
A seeded draw in accordance with Section 5G of the Committee Procedures contained in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf will be held. These matches must be played on or before the laid down “play by” dates during February and March.
All rounds in the Stroke-Play element and all matches in the Match-Play element are played off the yellow tees.
The competition is played under the “Preferred Lies” Local Rule, which, for the purposes of this competition, is extended to cover a players ball lying anywhere in the General Area.
Once the competition has commenced, no substitution of players is permitted.
The winners of the Winter League competition have their name engraved on the perpetual trophy and the Club honours board, as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Clarke Bowl
This trophy is awarded to the player who achieves the highest percentage reduction in handicap during the year. There is no entry fee.
The winner of the Clarke Bowl has his name engraved on the perpetual trophy as well as receiving a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening.
Specific Terms Of Competition (Seniors)
Winter League
Usually played between September and March off the yellow tees / mats.
This is a Four-ball Stroke-Play going into Match-Play competition. The Stroke-play round/s are played in September. The round robin (League) matches are played on mutually agreed dates from the date of the draw until the end of December. The semi-final to be played by mid March and final matches by the end of March and played on mutually agreed dates.
The Stroke-play element consists of two qualifying rounds of Stableford played in September, with the higher of the two scores to count. This score will be used to establish seedings and to make a cut, if deemed necessary. The field, for this element, is divided into two handicap divisions, (high and low) based on the number of entrants.
Players are ranked based on their Stableford scores and made up into pairs with the winners of each division paired together and the runners up paired together and so on. Depending on the number of entrants either one or two leagues will be formed with pairs allocated alternately based on rankings.
Matches in each league are played on a Round Robin basis, i.e. each pair plays every other pair once. Matches finish at the 18th hole with points being awarded as follows: 2 for a win, 1 for a half and 0 for a loss. Should a pair default on any round they shall be disqualified from further rounds and any matches already played shall be annulled.
Points are totalled at the end to establish the winner and runner up in each league. In the event of a tie, the result of the match between the tied teams shall determine the winner. If the tie is not broken, it shall be decided by lot.
The winners of each league will play the runners up in the other league in the semi-final with the winners contesting the final. If there is only one league the 1st placed pair will play the 4th placed pair and the 2nd placed pair will play the 3rd placed pair in the semi-final with the winners contesting the final. If necessary, matches are extended until a result is determined.
Monday Cup: from early May until mid-September, seniors play qualifying rounds in Stableford format from yellow tees at each Monday roll-up. The player with the best aggregate total from a set number of rounds is the winner of the Monday Cup. The details of this competition are varied annually, following decisions after the Seniors’ A.G.M.
Captain’s Day
Played on a date chosen by the Captain, usually in August.
The Captain will choose the format and conditions of the competition, which is usually a little unusual.
Club Championship (Senior Winner)
See Club Championships under Specific Terms of Competition.
Senior Championship
Usually played on two consecutive Wednesdays in early September off the white tees.
This is a 36 hole Individual Stroke-Play competition, played over two rounds of 18 holes. The winner is the player who achieves the lowest total gross score over the 36 holes.
For the purposes of net prizes, the field is split into two divisions (high and low handicap).
In the event of a tie (for the overall first place only) there will be a playoff to decide the winner. (See Club Championships for playoff method).
In the event of a tie for net prizes see paragraph 7 of General Terms of Competition.
Veterans Championship
Usually played on the first Wednesday in October off the yellow tees, and is open to those of 70 years of age and above.
This is an Individual Stroke-Play competition played over 18 holes. There are three prizes for the best three net scores, with the overall lowest net score winning the Veterans’ Cup. There are no divisions.
In the event of a tie see paragraph 7 of General terms of Competition.
Seniors Summer Knock- Out and Plate (Trophies)
Played over the summer, usually starting in June and ending in September.
This is an Individual Knock-Out Match-Play competition played over 18 holes (extended if necessary to decide a winner), played off the white tees.
A random draw of entrants is conducted for any preliminary matches and first round matches with the losers of their first match played entered automatically into the Plate competition.
Seniors Spring Knock-Out and Plate
Played during the spring, usually starting in April and ending in June.
This is an Individual Knock-Out Match-Play competition played over 18 holes (extended if necessary to decide a winner), played off the yellow tees.
A random draw of entrants is conducted for any preliminary matches and first round matches with the losers of their first match played entered automatically into the Plate competition
Specific Terms Of Competitions: Ladies
Individual Competitions
Monthly Medal (Stableford format October to March)
Played on the second Saturday of each month. These will be organised by the Committee. From April to September the competition is played as a medal off the red tees and from October to March as an anytime Stableford off the red tees (mats). The player with the best 4 nett aggregate scores, between April and September, will win the Best Nett Club Competition and will qualify for a regional competition.
Public Courses Monthly Medal
By paying an additional entry fee on the day of the competition, entrants in the April Monthly Medal are entered into the Public Courses Medal. The field is divided into divisions as set by the N.A.P.G.C. Divisional winners qualify to play in the N.A.P.G.C. regional competition, with regional winners progressing to a national final played in September.
Muriel Button Medal
A Vets Competition played in conjunction with the July Medal. The best three Nett Scores go forward to the County Association.
Tuesday Monthly Medal (Stableford format October to March)
Played on the second Tuesday of the month. These will be organised by the Committee. From April to September the competition is played as a medal off the red tees and from October to March as an anytime Stableford off the red tees (mats).
Saturday Monthly Stableford
Played on the first Saturday of the Month (third Saturday if the first clashes with a Club Match). The competition can be played at any time on the day with a minimum of two players playing together.
Tuesday Monthly Stableford
Played on the first Tuesday of the Month. The competition can be played at any time on the day with a minimum of two players playing together.
Millennium Trophy
A Vets Competition played in conjunction with the May Tuesday Stableford. The best scores go forward to the County Association.
Summer Knockout and Plate Trophies
An Individual, knock-out, Match-Play competition, played over 18 holes (which will be extended, if necessary, to decide a winner), played off the red tees. Course Handicaps will be used. Losers in the first round are automatically entered into the plate competition. The draw for the first round will be a random draw done in accordance with the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, Committee Procedures Part lll Section 5F. Subsequent rounds are played by mutual arrangement on or before laid down “play by” dates, and cannot be played in conjunction with another competition. Prizes are awarded at Club Presentation Evening
Mercia Castle Competition
Played in August in conjunction with the medal competition. The best score goes forward to the County Association.
Presidents Day
Normally played on the first Saturday of August. This is an 18 hole Individual Stableford competition played off the red tees. Prize are awarded at Club Presentation Evening.
Ladies Championship
A 36 hole competition played over a weekend in June; 18 holes on Saturday and 18 holes on Sunday. The competition will be played in handicap order for the first round. The second round will be played in reverse order based on the results from the first round. There is Gross Champion and a Nett Champion. Prizes are awarded at Club Presentation Evening
Medal Shoot Out
Played on a Saturday early in October. All lady members who have won an overall Monthly Medal and/or the Ladies Championship during the year qualify for the Shoot-Out. Prizes are awarded at Club Presentation Evening
Winter League
An individual Stableford Competition played on any one day of the month. You must sign in and date on the board before playing and put your completed and signed card into the box in Ladies Locker Room.
The three best stableford scores are aggregated to establish the winner.
Prize awarded at Club Presentation Evening
Team Competitions
Memorial Day
A Four-ball Better-ball Stableford competition played over 18 holes off the red tees (mats) on a Saturday in mid –March. Prizes are awarded at Club Presentation Evening.
Daily Mail Foursomes
A Foursomes Stableford competition, played over 18 holes, off the red tees (mats) in January. The winners represent Rodway Hill GC in the national competition.
County Foursomes
A Foursomes Stableford competition, played over 18 holes, off the red tees (mats) in March. The winners represent Rodway Hill GC in the County competition.
Australian Spoons
Stableford Foursomes – Handicaps 15 – 40. The winners qualify for a Regional Final played in June.
Coronation Foursomes
Maximum handicap 36. Foursomes competition where winners qualify for Area Finals if in top 100 differential scores.
PING Fourball BetterBall
A qualifying competition will be organised and the winners go through to the National Competition they may qualify for either the Grand Final (top 52 in the Country) or the Plate Final (next 52) to be played on the first Monday or Tuesday in September.
Mixed Competitions
Summer Pairs
A Greensomes, knockout Match-Play competition, played over 18 holes (extended to decide a winner). The competition is open to all men, senior and lady members entered as a pair. Handicaps are calculated as 0.6 of the lower player’s handicap plus 0.4 of the higher player. Men play off the white tees and ladies play off the red tees.
A random draw is made for the first round. This and subsequent rounds are played by mutual arrangement on or before laid down “play by” dates.
Longest Day
Normally played on the Saturday nearest to the longest day of the year. This is a Texas Scramble played by teams of three players. The team handicap is calculated on the basis of the following allowances – 30% / 20% / 10% from the lowest to highest handicap
A minimum of four tee shots of each team member must be used during the round.
The winners of the Longest Day competition receive a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening. The runners-up also receive a trophy and/or voucher prize.
Jim Brady Cup
Played on a Saturday at the end of July. This competition is open to men and ladies. Mixed pairs may also enter, but will be judged as competing in the men’s competition.
It is an 18 hole Aggregate Pairs (i.e. both scores to count), Stableford competition, with men playing off the white tees and ladies off the red tees.
The winners receive a trophy and/or voucher prize on Presentation Evening.
Sioux Hatcher Trophy
A mixed competition of teams of one lady and two men with the best two Stableford scores to count. Prizes are awarded at the Presentation Evening.
What Are The Different Formats That Golf Competitions Are Played In?
There are two main types of golf competitions, Match Play and Stroke Play:
Match Play
In match play, two players (or two teams) play every hole as a separate contest against each other. The party with the lowest nett score wins that hole, or if the scores of both players or teams are equal the hole is “halved” (drawn). The game is won by that party that wins more holes than the other.
Our Club Knock-out competitions are match play events. You do not need a scorecard for match play, but using one helps to keep track of the state of play as well as making sure players know where they get shots.
In Single match play, the lower handicap player gets no shots, and the higher handicap player subtracts the lower player’s handicap from his to determine how many shots he gets. The competition rules may set a maximum handicap limit and may set a handicap allowance e.g. 90%, in which case the handicap difference is multiplied by the allowance. i.e. player A is 10 handicap, player B is 24 handicap, difference is 14, 90% of difference is 12.6 which is rounded up to 13.
In Pairs match play, the lowest handicap player gets no shots, and the other 3 get the difference between the lowest figure and their handicap subject to the conditions above.Pairs match play can also be played as a foursome or greensome, an explanation of these is given under pairs stroke play.
Stroke Play
The majority of club competitions are stroke play competitions. In them you are playing against the course and all the competitors or teams on the day who have entered the competition.There are two main types of Stroke Play, Medal and Stableford, which can both be played as individuals, pairs or teams.
Medal Play: The marker will mark your gross scores down column A of the scorecard and can keep a check on his own scores using the Marker’s column. At the end of the round you must check that the gross scores are correct on your card, sign it and ensure your marker does. The card should then be placed in the box provided. The lowest gross scores on the day win the prizes, these are usually organised into three divisions by handicap.
Stableford: In competitions the prizes are determined on a points basis. Two points are awarded for a nett par on a hole, 1 for a nett bogey (1 over par), 3 for a nett birdie (1 under par), 4 for a nett 3 under par etc. The marker, as before, enters the gross score in column A. He should then enter the nett score for that hole in the Nett Score column, and the stableford points in the last column. The card should then be signed as above. The highest points scores win the prizes.
A third type of individual stroke play is a bogey (or par) competition. Your gross and nett scores are recorded as for a stableford competition, but instead of points you simply get a plus for a nett score better than par, a minus for a nett score worse than par and a zero for a nett par. These are recorded in the last column and totalled at the bottom.
Pairs Stroke Play
If the competition to be played is a pairs competition, one partner’s name is entered on the card as player A and one as player B. Usually you go out as a fourball, i.e. 2 teams of two, with one card per team. You exchange cards and mark the other pair’s card.
These are the main types of pairs stroke play:
1) Betterball: (Rules 30 and 31). In a betterball competition both partners play their own ball at each hole. The better net score of the partners count on each hole. The gross score is entered either in column A or column B, according to who had the better score, and his net score entered under “Net Score”. If the competition is a stableford then the points are entered in the final column.
2) Foursome: (Rule 29). In a foursome competition each pair has only one ball and players alternate playing it. If player A tees off at the first hole, player B will play the second shot, A the third and so on until the hole is finished. On the second hole, B will tee off (regardless who played the last putt on the first hole), then A does the second shot and so on. Thus one partner always tees off on the odd holes and the other on the even holes. Adding their handicaps together and using the handicap reduction in the competition rules determine the number of strokes the pair receives. The competition may be medal play or stableford. (Match play can also be played as a foursome). Gross, net and points are recorded as before. The gross may be entered entirely in column A, or use A and B to show whose drive was used.
3) Greensome: A greensome is a type of foursome in which each partner hits a tee shot and the pair then chooses which drive to use, and his partner then plays the second shot using this drive. They then alternate as before. This is repeated at each hole.
4) Aggregate medal or aggregate stableford competition. Here, both players play as if they are in a singles competition, except the marker will score both players on the same card, one in column A and one in column B, and, in a stableford competition, the combined points in the last column. At the end, either the stableford points are added up or, in the case of a medal, the two nett scores added together.
Team Competitions
There are two main types of team competitions:
1) 2 from 4: In a two from four competition, four players play together as a team. The players names are entered on the card as players A, B, C & D and their gross scores entered in the respective columns. The final two columns are for the team nett score and points on each hole. All four players play each hole individually, but only the 2 best nett scores count. At the end of the competition, 2 players from the team sign the card.
2) Texas Scramble: In A Texas Scramble each player in a team tees off on each hole and the players decide which shot was best. Every player then plays his second shot from that spot and the procedure is repeated until the hole is finished. The competition rules will stipulate the handicap allowance of the team, which is usually a percentage of the sum of the handicaps of the team. The rules usually also require that each team members drives are used on a minimum number of holes. In this case, the team score is entered in the column of the player whose drive is used.